Friday, March 9, 2012


That's the best way to describe how I feel, act, and look today.  Snurrgghhff.
The family got hit with Norovirus and I missed out on that fun*, but now I have a head cold.  The kind of cold that doesn't warrant missing work or school.  The kind of cold that means you can go about your daily life with some normality.  Save for the constant sniffing/snuffling/wheezing/whining, I'm fine!  I have done (some of) my Friday morning chores, and have even found some time to play a few games, talk with a friend, and plan a surprise dinner, all while sneezing in bouts of threes.  Side note- why do I sneeze like that?  Why three bitsy ones instead of one big scary one?
What was I saying?
Right.  I'm sick.
Who's gonna make my chicken soup?

*For four days, the entire household was S-I-C-K.  Lethargic, gross, sleepy, covered in yuck, sick.  Thankfully, it only affected the hubby for One Very Long Day.