Invitations come in all forms: verbal, written, hand gestures...
I love everything about parties. Planning, hosting, going. Shopping, decorating, cleaning. Chatting, laughing, entertaining. Isn't that what parties should be? I have to admit, I stress the eff out during every part of a party when I have a hand in it. I break out my Simple Soirée app, I get out my google doc spreadsheets, I update all my contact info and I plan the crap out of whatever needs to be done. I am what one might call an "anal-retentive, bossy-bitch-queen, she-beast", but I'd say I'm efficient. I have things to do and I'm going to get them done even if it means I ruffle some feathers. Usually, it's just my feathers that are ruffled and I lose sleep but I love it! I have a delusion that I was meant to be a wedding/party planner, event coordinator, interior designer type but went into the dental field instead.
Which brings me to the last few months and the next few months.
I have been and will continue to be busy as shit.
I went to, am going to, or am hosting a party every weekend since the week before Thanksgiving until the middle of March. At least, that's what I have on my calendar so far. If another invite comes to host, help or attend during this time, I'm going. After April, though? I'm taking a nap. Until Cinco De Mayo.
I have big plans for Drinko De Mayo.